April 2017 Technical Talk

BCGS Technical Talk – April 20, 2017

Speaker : Kit Campbell, Campbell & Walker Geophysics Ltd.

Christopher (Kit) Campell’s professional life encompasses more than forty years of diverse experience in all facets of airborne and ground geophysics. Campbell & Walker Geophysics Ltd. emphasizes airborne geophysics program management and QA/QC, mapping and interpretations, forward and inversion modeling and applied geophysical research.

Title: Recent applications of airborne gravity gradiometry in mineral and petroleum applications; examples and lessons learned

Date/Time: Thursday April 20, 2017 @ 4:30pm

Location: 4th Floor Conference Room, Room 451, 409 Granville St. (UK Building at Granville and Hastings), Vancouver


Three examples from two recent helicopter-borne gravity gradiometry surveys are presented: the first for kimberlites in the Slave Province, the second two from a survey flown for Sedex Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization in the Kechika Trough, BC.

An innovative approach to establishing bathymetry control in a portion of the Canadian Shield is discussed.

We then move on to discuss the critical application of terrain corrections as applied in a relatively rugged survey area. Finally, again in a region of rugged terrain, we address the derivation of the tensor components using Fourier and Equivalent Source methods, and discrepancy in results.