The BC Geophysical Society (BCGS), founded in 1970, is a non-profit society established to promote the understanding of Geophysical Sciences and to further cheer and fellowship in the geophysical community of British Columbia.
Membership is open to any geoscientist interested in the field of Geophysics. The business of the society is conducted by email and at the general meetings.
The BCGS invites you to participate at their various activities such as talks, conferences and courses.
General Info:
Executive Committee 2023:
- Chair & Treasurer: Ross Polutnik (SJ Geophysics Ltd.)
- Vice-Chair: Kyle Patterson (Convolutions Geoscience)
- Scholarship Coordinator: Francis Jones (University of British Columbia)
- Director: Dominique Fournier (Mira Geoscience Ltd.)
- Director: Griff Jones (Golder Associates).
- Director: Shawn Letts (Anglo American)
Past Executive Members:
- Chair: Brendan Howe
- Vice-Chair: Graham Parkinson
- Treasurer: Ross Polutnik
- Secretary: Thomas Campagne
- Scholarship Coordinator: Dennis Woods
- Student Outreach: Dominique Fournier